Bustin outta here!! (soon, hopefully)

Well hallelujah, I made it through the weekend so now I can at least watch Live with Kelly and Michael while I sit here! AND they’re broadcasting from Disneyland, which is one of my favorite Β places to go. My first thought when it came on was that if I have to shave my head, someone is definitely taking me to Disneyland. I’m not saying I qualify for a make a wish trip or anything but someone, somewhere is taking me to Disneyland if this hair goes.

Anyway, the night was much better than yesterday. I had a very sweet nurse, which makes all of the difference. I was still woken up a few times but that’s ok, she was good about giving me meds to help me fall back asleep. Here’s a funny story from earlier in the day yesterday. I told the oncologist how hard it had been to just be getting my normal prescriptions (i.e. Xanax at 4 am when I can’t fall back asleep) because they keep saying it says every 8 hours instead of every 4, etc. Basically, it’s taken an hour to an hour and a half to get a pain killer or anxiety med each time cus something’s wrong that has to be changed or they’re just busy. The on call oncologist then says she’ll just double all of what’s available to me so I won’t have to be waiting for approvals if I need more. Fast forward to 11am when I have chest pain from the bone marrow being produced from the white count booster shot, I ask for some Percocet and also Xanax, so I can just sleep since I didn’t the night before. Without looking in the cup, I take them and actually manage to fall asleep. Very, very woozy and my limbs felt super heavy but I was more fixated on getting the sleep in.

Fast forward to about 6 hours later, when I decide to ask for just a Xanax (premptively, to keep my stress down since at this point I’m realizing how long I have to wait to get them, which if you’ve ever had anxiety, you know being patient for an hour is not fun). I’m told I’m only allowed one dose every 8 hours, so again I’m arguing for just the prescription I normally have. By the time I’m given the Xanax, I need the Percocet as well so she hands me a cup of two Xanax and two Percocet. Woah! Way, way too much. So I take out one of each and say that’s all I wanted, and swallow them. I’m then told it’s all or nothing so I literally HAVE to take the other two. So I either can’t get them to give me my prescriptions or now I’m being forced to be drugged out. I was like what in the world?! She explains since they’re narcotics, the dose isn’t modifiable. So I’m looking at her, telling her that’s way more than I need and she’s sticking to the protocol that basically, it’s not an option. Now I realize why I was so out of it earlier that morning! So I just popped the other two under my tongue til she left and took them later. I’m sure that’s against the rules but frankly, as we all know, I’m not having a lot of faith in their rules that seem to bend and change depending on the nurse, who changes every 12 hours. Just thought that was a funny change to share from yesterday’s inability to get my meds! Swinging pendulum in here…

Speaking of nurse changes, I lucked out again and my day nurse is very sweet! Definitely makes it or breaks it for you in here. More good news, my white count is up to 1.9!πŸ‘πŸŽ‰πŸ™Œ Unfortunately, my neutrophils (disease fighting part of my white blood cells) are still low but they’re doing more bloodwork at 2 hoping I can get out depending on that, and if they’re still low my oncologist said most likely tomorrow. Everything is going in the right direction finally so I am doing much better. Thank you all for your prayers and support!

“You hear, O Lord, the desire of the afflicted; you encourage them and you listen to their cry.” Psalm 10:17

Trying to get some sun while I can! 😜
Trying to get some sun while I can! 😜